On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 2:18 PM, Samba <saas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it possible stop/disable streaming replication without stopping or
> restarting either master or slave servers?
> Since stopping or restarting the postgres servers would involve complete
> invalidation of the connection pool [Java/JEE app server pool] that may take
> a few minutes before the application becomes usable, it would be great if
> there is a way we can disable replication [for maintenance reasons like
> applying patches or upgrades, etc].

It is not really clear what is wrong with just stopping the
replication server for maintenance while keeping the master working?

> Thanks and Regards,
> Samba

Sergey Konoplev

a database and software architect

Jabber: gray...@gmail.com Skype: gray-hemp Phone: +79160686204

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