Actually, figured I'd post the whole function, painful as it might be for anyone to read. If anyone sees something that's a bit of a risk ( like perhaps the whole thing ;)
On 5/18/12 5:19 PM, David Salisbury wrote:
I'm trying to debug an intermittent problem I'm seeing in one of our rollup scripts. I'll try to summarize. A table has a measured_at field, of which I calculate another time value based on that field and a longitude value, called solar_noon, and I summarize min/max values grouped around this solarnoon. While I'm doing this I also calculate a minimum time difference between the calcualted solar noon value and all the measured_at times within the group. I then join this summary table back with the original table it's summarizing, trying to pick out the one record in it that has the measured_at value that's closest to the solarnoon value of the grouping. Clear as mud? Anyways, there seems to be a problem on that last part. I'm thinking the join on these date values is a bit funky. Perhaps things aren't matching up on micro second values, but it's hard to know with queries if I'm seeing what the DB is seeing, as date values are stored in seconds and what queries give you is a format of that. So one question I have is if there a way to set PG in the way Oracle does it.. set nls_date_format = 'YYYY...' so I can query and see exactly what PG is seeing, even to the microseconds? Is there a config parameter I can set in PG so that calculations are done only to the second? It seems this join doesn't always find a record that's closest to solar noon, and therefore drops the summary and join record all together. PG 9.0, Linux
execute " CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rollup_and_insert_subdays() returns void as $$ declare v_created_at timestamp without time zone; BEGIN v_created_at := now(); INSERT INTO air_temp_dailies ( uuid, site_id, organizationid, protocol_id, measured_at, current_temp_c, maximum_temp_c, minimum_temp_c, created_at, comments ) SELECT subd_summary.uuid, subd_summary.site_id, subd_summary.organizationid, subd_summary.protocol_id, subd_summary.measured_at, subd_summary.current_temp_c, subd_summary.max_temp_c, subd_summary.min_temp_c, v_created_at as updated_at, 'automated station rollup' as comments FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT on ( site_id, solarnoon ) site_id, organizationid, protocol_id, uuid, solarnoon, measured_at, current_temp_c, max_temp_c, min_temp_c FROM ( SELECT sd.site_id, sd.organizationid, sd.protocol_id, sd.uuid, sds.solarnoon, sd.measured_at, sd.current_temp_c, sds.max_temp_c as max_temp_c, sds.min_temp_c as min_temp_c FROM ( SELECT site_id, longitude, calculate_local_solar_noon(measured_at,longitude) as solarnoon, max(current_temp_c) as max_temp_c, min(current_temp_c) as min_temp_c, min( abs( cast( extract( epoch FROM ( measured_at - calculate_local_solar_noon(measured_at,longitude) ) ) as integer ) ) ) as minimum_time_between_measured_and_solarnoon, trunc(count(*)/93) as enough_measurements FROM ( SELECT site_id, current_temp_c, measured_at, ST_X(point) as longitude FROM air_temp_sub_days INNER JOIN sites on ( air_temp_sub_days.site_id = ) ) as appending_longitude_to_sub_day_values WHERE measured_at is not null GROUP BY site_id, calculate_local_solar_noon(measured_at,longitude), -- we assume that for any site, for any given solarnoon, the -- longitude is constant, so adding this value in the -- group by has no effect other than allowing these values -- to percolate to the outer select longitude ) sds, air_temp_sub_days sd WHERE sds.site_id = sd.site_id and calculate_local_solar_noon( sd.measured_at, sds.longitude ) = sds.solarnoon -- match with the record that's closest to solarnoon. -- At this point we know the time difference, -- but not whether it's more or less. The higher level -- DISTINCT clause removes any duplicates caused should -- solarnoon fall exactly between two measured_at times. and enough_measurements > 0 and ( ( sd.measured_at = ( calculate_local_solar_noon(sd.measured_at,sds.longitude) + ( sds.minimum_time_between_measured_and_solarnoon::text || ' secs' )::interval ) ) or ( sd.measured_at = ( calculate_local_solar_noon(sd.measured_at,sds.longitude) - ( sds.minimum_time_between_measured_and_solarnoon::text || ' secs' )::interval ) ) ) ) end_distinct ) subd_summary LEFT OUTER JOIN air_temp_dailies on subd_summary.site_id = air_temp_dailies.site_id and subd_summary.measured_at = air_temp_dailies.measured_at WHERE air_temp_dailies.site_id is null and air_temp_dailies.measured_at is null order by subd_summary.site_id, subd_summary.measured_at ; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: