Dear PostgreSQL users,

I am very pleased to announce the release of the first issue of
PostgreSQL Magazine.

This issue #01 is brought to you thanks to the collective work of
dozen of people. Writers, Editors, Reviewers. Kudos to them all !

Here's a quick view of the ToC :

  - PostgreSQL 9.1 : 10 awesome new features
  - NoSQL : The Key Value store everyone ignored
  - Interview : Stefan Kaltenbrunner
  - Opinion : Funding PostgreSQL Features
  - Waiting for 9.2 : Cascading Streaming Replication
  - Tips & Tricks : PostgreSQL in Mac OS X Lion

The magazine is available online and on paper. You can either :

  * Read it Online:
  * Buy the Print Edition:
  * or Download the PDF:

The magazine is currently available only in "US Letter" and "A4" format.

Finally, I would like to thank our benefactors… has offered
us a free subscription plan to access their stock photo database. We
also received fundings from PostgreSQL Europe (PGEU) and Software in the
Public Interest (SPI). Thanks a lot to them !

Damien Clochard
PostgreSQL Magazine Editor in Chief

PS : Soon we'll start preparing the next issue ! If you want to join us
please subscribe to our mailing list :

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