On Thu, May 03, 2012 at 09:08:53AM +0200, Alexander Reichstadt wrote:
> Hi,
> since I got no answer so far I searched through the docu again. I searched 
> for GC as well as Garbage, and all garbage refers to is with regard to 
> vacuuming a database. But my question refers to wether or not memory 
> management is with garbage collection supported or not. When I try to link 
> against pqlib, it seems I need to have garbage collection enabled in order 
> for it to link. But the documentation mentions it nowhere.

What kind of garbage collection do you need to have enabled in order to link?

C is based on manual memory-management, and you can't generally have
garbage-collection in it.  Hence, libpq is *not* garbage-collected and
your statement that it needs "garbage collection enabled" doesn't make
much sense to me.

Are you talking about libpq bindings to some other language, perhaps?

> Please, can someone confirm this or is this the wrong list?

This is the right list.

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