what performance, insert or select?

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Chris <bajasa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm using PG 9.1.  Data is streaming into one particularly large table (at
> 11 million rows currently) on a constant basis.  It is pretty much all
> inserts, very little updates or deletes (if any).
> After a week or so, query performance on this table turns abysmal.  If I
> dump the db, then restore, performance turns great for a while before it
> starts to bog down again in the following days.
>  So far, the only answers I can find by searching is to turn autovacuum
> on.  But it should already by on by default. The only setting that I have
> modified was to increase shared buffer.
> I'm not really sure where to go from here. Anybody have any suggestions on
> what the problem(s) might be and how to rectify it?
> Thanks!

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