I had the same problem. I can confirm that changing to

bytea_output = 'escape'

restores the previous behavior.

Dick Wieland

On 04/10/2012 01:50 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Aaron Burnett<aburn...@bzzagent.com>  writes:
9.1.3 is just not decrypting nor throwing errors.
9.1.3# select decrypt_iv(decode('rkMRWpnnbjaFoHyLmCD/bg==', 'base64'),
decode('bcRJvbqeWMPDXMtIP8pPOQ==', 'base64'), '0000000000000000',
(1 row)
I think this is the same result, it's just being shown in hex.
See the bytea_output configuration parameter.

                        regards, tom lane

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