Am 06.04.2012 23:49, schrieb Jeff Davis:
>> No, i didn't found any in my postgresql dirs. Should i have a core file 
>> around when i see a segmentation fault? What should i look for?
> It's an OS setup thing, but generally a crash will generate a core file
> if it is allowed to. Use "ulimit -c unlimited" on linux in the shell
> that starts postgresql and I think that will work. You can test it by
> manually doing a "kill -11" on the pid of a backend process.

My system was setup with
$ cat /proc/32741/limits
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit
Max core file size        0                    unlimited

to bad, no core dump.

I will follow instructions on peters blog here

So next time i'll be ready to handle this issue.

Thanks a lot for your help, jeff.


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