On 11 April 2012 09:15, Sidney Cadot <sid...@jigsaw.nl> wrote:
> Dear all,
> As a hobby project, I am toying around with a database containing
> about 5 million chess games. On average, these games have about 80
> positions (~ 40 moves by both black and white), which means there are
> about 400 million chess positions in there.
> I have written code to extract these positions, and now I want to put
> them into a Postgres database. Specifically, I want to do this in a
> way that allows *fast* lookups of positions, e.g. "give me all
> positions that have a White King on c4 and either a Black Bishop or
> White Knight on f7".
> Currently, my "Positions" table looks like this:
>      Column       |  Type   | Modifiers
> -------------------+---------+-----------
>  gameindex         | integer | not null
>  plyindex          | integer | not null
>  pseudofenboard    | text    | not null
>  fenside           | text    | not null
>  fencastling       | text    | not null
>  fenenpassant      | text    | not null
>  possiblemovecount | integer | not null
>  isincheck         | boolean | not null
> Indexes:
>    "positions_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gameindex, plyindex)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>    "positions_gameindex_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gameindex) REFERENCES
> games(gameindex)
> The "PseudoFenBoard" field currently holds a string describing the
> position. For example, the starting position of chess looks like this:
> "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/________/________/________/________/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR"
> This design allows me to formulate the kind of positional queries that
> I want (by using regular expression matching), but executing them will
> involve a slow, linear traversal of the 400M table rows, which is not
> desirable.
> I am toying around with the ugly idea to make a "Positions" table that
> has a single field for each of the squares, e.g.
> CREATE TABLE Position2 (
>    GameIndex INTEGER NOT NULL,
>    PlyIndex  INTEGER NOT NULL,
>    a1        "char"  NOT NULL,
>    a2        "char"  NOT NULL,
>                                    -- (60 fields defs omitted)
>    h7        "char"  NOT NULL,
>    h8        "char"  NOT NULL
> );
> This would allow the creation of indices on each of the 64 fields
> separately, which should help to achieve near-instantaneous position
> query performance, especially after gathering proper statistics for
> all the field-specific indices.
> I realize that this design is quite ugly, so I would be interested to
> hear if there are nicer alternatives that can perform equally well.
> Also, above I use the 1-byte "char" type. Is this the only type in
> PostGres that is guaranteed to be just a single byte, or are there
> better alternatives?

No, you're using the unlimited length "char" type. You probably mean
to use either char(1) or varchar(1).

It wouldn't hurt to make those chars a foreign key to a chess-piece
table, so that you both define what a certain code means on the
chess-board and constrain which codes are available.

You could possibly take that a bit further by finding a constraint
that limits the number of each piece on the board (exactly 1 white
king, up to 2 white towers, up to 8 white pawns, etc), but I have no
ready idea of how you could achieve that...

> A 13-state enum would be best (listing the 6
> white pieces, 6 black pieces, and 'empty' states for every square on
> the board) but as I understand from the documentation, enums always up
> take 4 bytes per entry.

> Any ideas for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

Well, since a chess-board is a matrix, it seems to make sense to
describe it as a two-dimensional array of varchar(1)'s. I don't know
off the top of my head what the storage requirements for that are

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

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