Gauthier, Dave wrote:
> Hmmm.... This sounds like it might work.
> There are, in fact, only 2 users (roles). Lets call them "selectuser" and 
> "moduser" 
> So, as the DBA, I just...
> alter role selectuser connection limit 0;
> alter role moduser connection limit 0;
> Then kick everyone off (I usually use "pg_ctl kill TERM <procpid>" to do this)
> Make changes as the DBA
> Then...
> alter role selectuser connection limit -1;
> alter role moduser connection limit -1;
> Done !
> Correct?

Yep.  That should work.  The only reservation I'd bring up here is that you
should be doing this as a user other than one of those two users.  Otherwise
you may lock yourself out of the DB.  I assume you'll be doing this as either
a PG superuser (e.g. postgres) or a user distinct from the two above.



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