I have queries regarding columns in Postgres CSV Log.
Following is a sample Logline
2012-03-28 19:25:47.968 
 19:25:47 IST,2/0,0,LOG,00000,"QUERY STATISTICS","! system usage stats:
! 0.047000 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec
! [0.078125 user 0.031250 sys total]",,,,,"Select * from stock_apals"
,,"ShowUsage, .\src\backend\tcop\postgres.c:4305",""
I am aware of all the data segments except the following
"! system usage stats:
! 0.047000 elapsed 0.000000 user 0.000000 system sec
! [0.078125 user 0.031250 sys total]",

What do the number mean, it seems to appear only with a Logline for SQL 
thank you


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