
I have been using table 17-2, Postgres Shared Memory Usage
to calculate approximately how much memory the server will use. I'm
using Postgres 9.1 on a Linux 2.6 (RHEL 6) 64bit system, with 8GB RAM.
Database is approximately 5GB, and is a mixture of read/write.
Postgres is occasionally being killed by the linux oom-killer. I am
trying to understand how much memory postgres could use, and how to
change the configuration to bring it down to a level that won't get it

Key configuration values are:

max_connections = 350
shared_buffers = 4GB
temp_buffers = 24MB
max_prepared_transactions = 211
work_mem = 16MB
maintenance_work_mem = 131MB
wal_buffers = -1
wal_keep_segments = 128
checkpoint_segments = 64
effective_cache_size = 4GB
autovacuum_max_workers = 4

which I have interpreted to be:

max_locks_per_transaction = 64
max_connections = 350
autovacuum_max_workers =4
max_prepared_transactions = 211 (I've since realised this can be 0; I
use prepared statements, not 2PC)
shared_buffers = 4294967296
wal_block_size = 8192
wal_buffers = 16777216 (actually, -1, but following the documentation
of max(16MB, shared_buffers/32) it should be 16MB).
and wal segment size = 16777216, block_size = 8192

And using the equations on the kernel resources page, I get:

Connections = 6,678,000
                     = (1800 + 270 * max_locks_per_transaction) *
                     = (1800 + 270 * 64) * 350
Autovacuum Workers = 76,320
                                    = (1800 + 270 *
max_locks_per_transaction) * autovacuum_max_workers
                                    = (1800 + 270 * 64) * 4
Prepared Transactions = 3,808,550
                                      = (770 + 270 *
max_locks_per_transaction) * max_prepared_transactions
                                      = (770 + 270 * 64) * 211
Shared Disk Buffers      = 36,077,725,286,400
                                 = (block_size + 208) * shared_buffers
                                 = (8192 + 208) * 4294967296
                                 = ~33TB
WAL Buffers = 137,573,171,200
                     = (wal_block_size + 8) * wal_buffers
                     = (8192 + 8) * 16777216
                     = ~128GB
Fixed Space Requirements = 788,480
Overall = 36,215,309,808,950 bytes (~33.2 TB!)

33.2TB doesn't seem right, and while I know the equations are just
approximations, this seems too much. What have I done wrong? I read a
prior thread about this on the pgsql lists which seemed to indicate
the equations for shared disk and wall buffers should be divided by
the block_size 8192, and looking at it closer, wonder if the equation
for both should just be overhead + buffer?

Also what is the relationship between memory and work_mem (set to 16M
in my case). I understand work_mem is per sort, and in most cases our
queries only have a single sort. Does this mean an additional 16M per
sorting client (350 * 16M = 5.6GB), or presumably it only uses the
work memory as it needs it (i.e. does it preallocate all 16M for each
sort, or on an as-needed basis depending on the size of sorted data?)

Are there any other ways to calculate the worst case memory usage of a
given postgres configuration?

My gut feeling is to reduce shared_buffer to 1GB or less and reduce
connections to ~150-200 (to reduce worst case work_mem impact).

Kind Regards,


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