On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 8:48 AM, Adam Bruss <abr...@awrcorp.com> wrote:
> The handles persist through restarting the postgresql service and restarting 
> the IIS server. The handles are accumulating on the System process. I think 
> the handles are created when the web service is accessed but that would mean 
> the IIS worker processes would have responsibility and they don't seem to. 
> Recycling the worker processes in IIS does nothing. And the worker processes 
> have their own process w3wp.exe which never accumulate handles. It's probably 
> not a postgresql thing or other people would be seeing it.

Use "process explorer" from sysinternals / microsoft (google for it)
to see what these handles are for (pipes, files, events, mutants,
desktops, winstations (ok, probably not those), etc...

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