Streaming replication in the standby has successfully started (windows 2008
server) but, the configuration in the recovery.conf : 

archive_cleanup_command='pg_archivecleanup \\\\\\DB_Stream_Share\\

standby server log file says error as below : 

2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT FATAL:  the database system is starting up 
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  database system was shut down in recovery at
2012-02-28 10:58:59 MYT 
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  entering standby mode 
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  restored log file "000000010000000000000027"
from archive 
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  redo starts at 0/27000020 
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only
2012-02-28 10:59:01 MYT LOG:  unexpected pageaddr 0/20000000 in log file 0,
segment 40, offset 0 
2012-02-28 10:59:02 MYT LOG:  streaming replication successfully connected
to primary 
'pg_archivecleanup' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 

operable program or batch file. 

2012-02-28 11:04:01 MYT WARNING:  archive_cleanup_command "pg_archivecleanup
\\NOBE-HGG-SRV-04\DB_Stream_Share\ %r": return code 1 
'pg_archivecleanup' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 

operable program or batch file. 

2012-02-28 11:09:01 MYT WARNING:  archive_cleanup_command "pg_archivecleanup
\\NOBE-HGG-SRV-04\DB_Stream_Share\ %r": return code 1 
'pg_archivecleanup' is not recognized as an internal or external command, 

operable program or batch file. 

2012-02-28 11:14:01 MYT WARNING:  archive_cleanup_command "pg_archivecleanup
\\NOBE-HGG-SRV-04\DB_Stream_Share\ %r": return code 1 

What is the correct command there ???

Thanks in advance for any help..

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