-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
[mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Ronan Dunklau
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 6:34 AM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL] Regular expression character escape


I'd like to perform a query using user-submitted input in a regular expression.

Something along the lines of:

select some_col
from some_table
where some_col ~ ('^' || user_submitted_input || '\d*$')

This query is looking for every value matching the user submitted input with 
optional trailing decimal characters.

My problem is: the user can break this using special regular expression 
characters (ex: 'test(').

I'm looking for a way to escape regular expression characters from the input 
(maybe a function already exists for that purpose?).

I could do it on the client side, but I'm not really sure how python and 
postgresql flavors of regular expressions differ.

I've seen that the (?q) modifier is supported (treat the rest of the regexp as 
normal characters), but unless I missed something it I can't use it anywhere 
else than at the beginning of the regexp.

From the docs at

"Embedded options take effect at the ) terminating the sequence. They can 
appear only at the start of an ARE."

Any idea on how to achieve this ?

Thank you.

Ronan Dunklau


How about:

WHERE some_col LIKE (user_submitted_input || '%') AND some_col ~ ('^.{' || 
length_of_user_submitted_input || '}\d*$')

I'd have some reservations regarding multi-byte characters however - but this 
avoids any escaping of the input string.

You could (should?) write the escaping routine on the server side in a 
user-defined function:

WHERE some_col ~ ('^' || make_regexp_literal(user_submitted_stringliteral) || 

David J.

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