On 2/16/12 7:27 AM, Andreas Kretschmer wrote:
Musial, Jan (GIUB)<jan.mus...@giub.unibe.ch>  wrote:
smallint,month smallint,day smallint,time_stamp date); I would like to

That's silly, use one (and only one) field, timestamp (or timestamptz)
Don't use never ever multiple columns for the same information!

Would it not be advantageous to replicate information in the above
form if you wanted to, say, get all records in the month of May, and
therefore create an index on the month field?  I would think that
would be more efficient than creating a functional index on a timestamp.
And if you're not too picky, that would give an index that couldn't
be done on a timestamptz field, as that's mutable.


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