Hi. Sometimes order of rows readed from index allows to skip sort node. But sometimes planner don't deduce it. In example below order from index "NumerStacji_NumerKierunkowy_KodBłędu_LP" is preserved in merge join and can be used in groupping node, but planner don't see it.
First query and explain: SELECT "NKA","NTA", count(nullif(b."Pierwszy zwrot"=b."DataPliku",false)) as "CDR", min(b."Data") || ',' || max(b."Data") as "Biling", b."KodBłędu", sum((b."Pierwszy zwrot"=b."DataPliku" and not b."Darmowe")::integer) as "Odpłatne", max(r."LP") FROM "Bladpol2" b left join "Rejestr stacji do naprawy" r on ( b."NTA" = r."Numer stacji" and b."NKA" = r."Numer kierunkowy" and b."KodBłędu" = r."Kod Błędu" and replace(b."Data",':','.')::cube && r."Zakres" ) WHERE b."KodBłędu" similar to '74|80|81' and r."Wartość" is null GROUP BY b."NTA",b."NKA",b."KodBłędu",r."LP" HAVING not bool_and(b."Darmowe") ORDER BY max(b."Data") desc LIMIT 4000; QUERY PLAN Limit (cost=191422.67..191432.67 rows=4000 width=42) (actual time=57136.554..57161.084 rows=4000 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=191422.67..192855.26 rows=573034 width=42) (actual time=57136.546..57145.420 rows=4000 loops=1) " Sort Key: (max((b.""Data"")::text))" Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 660kB -> GroupAggregate (cost=122756.63..154273.50 rows=573034 width=42) (actual time=49821.500..56670.665 rows=64064 loops=1) " Filter: (NOT bool_and(b.""Darmowe""))" -> Sort (cost=122756.63..124189.21 rows=573034 width=42) (actual time=49821.318..51902.438 rows=865978 loops=1) " Sort Key: b.""NTA"", b.""NKA"", b.""KodBłędu"", r.""LP""" Sort Method: external sort Disk: 42824kB -> Merge Left Join (cost=19.16..60017.63 rows=573034 width=42) (actual time=0.337..26655.744 rows=865978 loops=1) " Merge Cond: (((b.""NTA"")::text = (r.""Numer stacji"")::text) AND ((b.""NKA"")::text = (r.""Numer kierunkowy"")::text) AND ((b.""KodBłędu"")::text = (r.""Kod Błędu"")::text))" " Join Filter: ((replace((b.""Data"")::text, ':'::text, '.'::text))::cube && r.""Zakres"")" " Filter: (r.""Wartość"" IS NULL)" " -> Index Scan using ""Bladpol2_nta_nka_kod_błędu_btree"" on ""Bladpol2"" b (cost=0.00..46593.65 rows=1452312 width=38) (actual time=0.152..8513.305 rows=1439383 loops=1)" " Filter: ((""KodBłędu"")::text ~ '^(?:74|80|81)$'::text)" " -> Index Scan using ""NumerStacji_NumerKierunkowy_KodBłędu_LP"" on ""Rejestr stacji do naprawy"" r (cost=0.00..1405.83 rows=70476 width=47) (actual time=0.014..3146.595 rows=1045687 loops=1)" Total runtime: 57183.476 ms In second query planner skip sort before groupping: SELECT "NKA","NTA", count(nullif(b."Pierwszy zwrot"=b."DataPliku",false)) as "CDR", min(b."Data") || ',' || max(b."Data") as "Biling", b."KodBłędu", sum((b."Pierwszy zwrot"=b."DataPliku" and not b."Darmowe")::integer) as "Odpłatne", max(r."LP") FROM "Bladpol2" b left join "Rejestr stacji do naprawy" r on ( b."NTA" = r."Numer stacji" and b."NKA" = r."Numer kierunkowy" and b."KodBłędu" = r."Kod Błędu" and replace(b."Data",':','.')::cube && r."Zakres" ) WHERE b."KodBłędu" similar to '74|80|81' and r."Wartość" is null GROUP BY b."NTA",b."NKA",b."KodBłędu"--,r."LP" HAVING not bool_and(b."Darmowe") ORDER BY max(b."Data") desc LIMIT 4000; QUERY PLAN Limit (cost=91667.54..91677.54 rows=4000 width=42) (actual time=32004.992..32029.539 rows=4000 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=91667.54..92030.62 rows=145232 width=42) (actual time=32004.983..32013.844 rows=4000 loops=1) " Sort Key: (max((b.""Data"")::text))" Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 660kB -> GroupAggregate (cost=19.16..82252.30 rows=145232 width=42) (actual time=1.954..31534.246 rows=63759 loops=1) " Filter: (NOT bool_and(b.""Darmowe""))" -> Merge Left Join (cost=19.16..60017.63 rows=573034 width=42) (actual time=0.339..26669.766 rows=865978 loops=1) " Merge Cond: (((b.""NTA"")::text = (r.""Numer stacji"")::text) AND ((b.""NKA"")::text = (r.""Numer kierunkowy"")::text) AND ((b.""KodBłędu"")::text = (r.""Kod Błędu"")::text))" " Join Filter: ((replace((b.""Data"")::text, ':'::text, '.'::text))::cube && r.""Zakres"")" " Filter: (r.""Wartość"" IS NULL)" " -> Index Scan using ""Bladpol2_nta_nka_kod_błędu_btree"" on ""Bladpol2"" b (cost=0.00..46593.65 rows=1452312 width=38) (actual time=0.145..8622.003 rows=1439383 loops=1)" " Filter: ((""KodBłędu"")::text ~ '^(?:74|80|81)$'::text)" " -> Index Scan using ""NumerStacji_NumerKierunkowy_KodBłędu_LP"" on ""Rejestr stacji do naprawy"" r (cost=0.00..1405.83 rows=70476 width=47) (actual time=0.014..3113.398 rows=1045687 loops=1)" Total runtime: 32045.317 ms -- ------------ pasman -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general