I'm still fumbling in the dark but I think I have a smell:

Does somebody know what supportsLobValueChangePropogation according to
the current JDBC specs?

There's an interesting note there:
> NOTE : I do not know the correct answer currently for databases which (1) are 
> not part of the cruise control process or (2) do not 
> supportsExpectedLobUsagePattern().

It's currently set to false:

Yours, Stefan

2012/1/9 Oliver Jowett <oli...@opencloud.com>:
> On 10 January 2012 06:57, Radosław Smogura <rsmog...@softperience.eu> wrote:
>> In real world BLOBs are transfered as references, and those references are
>> managed in way as the trigger does. Nacked PG doesn't support deletion, Oid 
>> is
>> universal type so it can't be used by GC approach, unles collector will know
>> which Oid is LOB oid.
> So you just end up with a conservative collector, not an exact
> collector. In practice conservative collectors work OK. (You can use a
> subtype to identify OIDs-that-refer-to-a-LO as suggested elsewhere in
> the thread if you want an exact collector)
> Oliver

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