On Thu, 08 Dec 2011 11:24:12 -0800, John R Pierce <pie...@hogranch.com>
> On 12/08/11 11:16 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>>> um, I believe this is referring to Oracle RAC clustering, not HA
>>> active/standby. I seriously doubt Oracle is dropping RAC.
>> I meant worrying about it for Pg.
> the odds of Postgres developing something as complex and intricate as 
> RAC are probably between zilch and none.  RAC was for many years 
> completely unusable, and even now, its complicated, fragile, and

Happily, the complications and fragility are now utilised by Oracle to
help sell ExaData units, on the basis that if you give Oracle even more
money, they'll sell you a RAC that actually works!

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