Florian Schwendener wrote:
> I'm stuck again, now with the extension itself. I've tried like
> everything I could think of filling the fields in
> the example on [1]. My database is named "testdb", my table
> and the (default) schema is
> (I believe) "dbo". Does anybody know the values I need to enter in the
> The odbc-connection (named "odbc-test") works fine. The database
> is a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

The comment "I believe" seems to suggest that you are not sure -
maybe you can ask somebody who knows SQL Server for:

- DSN: The name of your ODBC data source
- Name of Database, schema and table.

> Sadly, if the extension can't execute the query, it just says "Opps".
> This isn't very helpful. Should I contact the
> author directly?

Can you quote the exact message?
If it is not helpful at all, yes, contacting the author is probably
the right thing to do.
There is also
where you can report problems.

> References:
> [1] https://github.com/ZhengYang/odbc_fdw

Laurenz Albe

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