On 11/30/2011 01:43 PM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
On 30 Listopad 2011, 17:23, BK wrote:
Hi Albe,

On Nov 30, 2011, at 2:31 PM, Albe Laurenz wrote:
Verify the current setting with

SELECT setting, source, boot_val, reset_val,
       sourcefile, sourceline
FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'wal_level';

If the setting is not right (which is likely the case), try to find out
the cause.
This query shows that the settings are still on minimal. Strange. As I can
see there is just one postgresql.conf file (in the data directory) of the
9.1 installation. Everything is changed inside it according to the specs.
Wal_level is on archive. I even tried renaming the file, to see if when I
reboot PostgreSQL I would get an error. I got an error and therefor it is
the .conf that the DBMS uses.
Silly idea - the wal_level option is commented out by default. Are you
sure you've removed the '#' at the beginning?
Or maybe you have an included file after that that is hiding it?

Check for include directives in your configuration


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