=?UTF-8?Q?Filip_Rembia=C5=82kowski?= <plk.zu...@gmail.com> writes:
> W dniu 29 listopada 2011 23:18 użytkownik Heiko Wundram
> <modeln...@modelnine.org> napisał:
>> Okay, that's too bad that there's no standard way for this.

> did you look at connlimit?
> http://www.netfilter.org/projects/patch-o-matic/pom-external.html#pom-external-connlimit

Another way that we've sometimes recommended people handle custom login
restrictions is
(1) use PAM for authentication
(2) find or write a PAM plugin that makes the kind of check you want

I think that there may well be a plugin out there already that does
this, or something close enough; but you'll have to do your own

                        regards, tom lane

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