Naoko Reeves wrote:
> I dumped from:
> [...] PostgreSQL 9.0.4 [...]

> to:
> [...] PostgreSQL 9.1.1 [...]

> During the restoration I got the following errors:
> ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/targetinfo": No such file or
> ERROR:  function public.pldbg_get_target_info(text, "char") does not
> ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/plugins/plugin_debugger": No
such file or directory
> ERROR:  function public.plpgsql_oid_debug(oid) does not exist
> My question is:
> 1. Is this safe to ignore? I don't recall using any of the function
> 2. If not, how can I install those missing libraries?

I'd say it is safe to ignore.
You must have the EDB debugger installed in the 9.0.4 database, but not
in the destination database.

You'll probably end up with some garbage (types etc.) in the public
that you should remove if you ever want to install the EDB debugger in
target database, but other than that they should not bother you.

Laurenz Albe

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