On 11/1/2011 8:30 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Roger Niederland<ro...@niederland.com>  writes:
I extracted the tables from the database which generates the error above
I eliminated most of the columns such that this query still exhibits
this behavior to reduce
the file size.  I have a zipped file from windows postgresql 9.1.1
(32-bit) which is about 1.5MBytes.
I verified that the database generated from this file will produce the
If you'd send that to me off-list, I'd be happy to take a look.

                        regards, tom lane

I stripped enough out of the database that it is only good for a test case. Here is a public
url for getting at the database backup:


The sql I posted earlier can be used on this to generate the error.

Thanks for taking a look at this!

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