On 10/21/2011 11:21 AM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:
A big part of thisinquiry has to do with feasibility. Another option is to
approach those who control that system which the user has to use and get them
to be more accommodating with regard to attaching to more than one DB and
realizing that there are other DB engines than MySQL.
Armed with the info you guys have given me, I will propose to them that they
ask their app provider the means to attach to multiple ODBC served DBs (this
thing is a Windows based app). That way they can use MySQL and PG and whatever
else they might have to deal with in the future.
Many thanks for the input. As I said, it was a long shot. So I got what I
expected. At least now I can tell them that I am not alone is my opinion that
getting PG date througn MySQL is a bad idea.
It's not necessarily a bad idea, it's just not going to be _possible_
with the constraints on their use of MySQL and their limited access to
the system.
It's really handy to be able to fetch data from one DB via another;
that's what dblink and dbilink in PostgreSQL are for. MySQL has various
foreign data engines for the same purpose. If the DBs of interest are
co-located it makes a LOT more sense to get one to pull data from the
other rather than sending it from DBa to a remote client that then sends
it back to DBb.
You just can't do that, because you don't seem to have any kind of
useful access to the system the DB runs on.
Craig Ringer
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