I am getting an Out of Memory error in my server connection process
while running a large insert query.

Postgres version: "PostgreSQL 8.2.16 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by
GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)"
OS: Windows 7 Professional (v.6.1, build 7601 service pack 1)
The OS is 64 bit but the postgres app is a 32-bit app and I run out of
memory and the server process crashes as soon as I hit 2 GB of memory.
 I assume that is because that is the limit for 32-bit apps.
My client connection is via JDBC in case that is important.

I am creating two temporary tables as follows:

create temporary table simple_group  (groupId int8 not null, elementId
int8 not null, primary key (groupId, elementId))

create temporary table temp_usergroup_acl_entry  (elementId int8 not
null, userGroupId int8 not null, grantFlags int8 not null, denyflags
int8 not null, primary key (elementId, userGroupId))

Table simple_group has about 584 rows.  It represents the membership
of devices (elementId) in a group (groupId).  The crash happens when I
run the query to populate temp_usergroup_acl_entry.  The query is
below followed by the memory map information.  As you can see there
are a lot of full joins.

My goal with the query is to combine the bit maps of access rights
(stored in 8 byte ints) for lists of devices in various groups.  The
groups might have overlapping memberships so that is why I am using
the outer joins and the bit-wise or operator to combine the
permissions of the bit masks.  I know what the values of the bit-masks
should be for each group from some queries that run before this query.
 However, the previous queries do not eat up much memory at all.

Is there something I can do to prevent the out of memory error?  Or
perhaps there is a way I can re-write the query to achieve the same

Insert query:

insert into temp_usergroup_acl_entry(elementId,userGroupId,grantFlags,denyflags)
select coalesce(q0.elementId, q1.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q0.userGroupId, q1.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q0.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q1.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q0.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q1.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q2.elementId, q3.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q2.userGroupId, q3.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q2.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q3.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q2.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q3.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q4.elementId, q5.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q4.userGroupId, q5.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q4.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q5.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q4.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q5.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q6.elementId, q7.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q6.userGroupId, q7.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q6.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q7.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q6.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q7.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q8.elementId, q9.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q8.userGroupId, q9.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q8.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q9.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q8.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q9.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q10.elementId, q11.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q10.userGroupId, q11.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q10.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q11.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q10.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q11.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q12.elementId, q13.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q12.userGroupId, q13.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q12.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q13.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q12.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q13.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q14.elementId, q15.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q14.userGroupId, q15.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q14.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q15.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q14.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q15.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q16.elementId, q17.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q16.userGroupId, q17.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q16.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q17.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q16.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q17.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q18.elementId, q19.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q18.userGroupId, q19.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q18.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q19.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q18.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q19.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q20.elementId, q21.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q20.userGroupId, q21.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q20.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q21.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q20.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q21.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q22.elementId, q23.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q22.userGroupId, q23.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q22.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q23.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q22.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q23.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q24.elementId, q25.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q24.userGroupId, q25.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q24.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q25.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q24.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q25.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q26.elementId, q27.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q26.userGroupId, q27.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q26.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q27.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q26.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q27.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q28.elementId, q29.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q28.userGroupId, q29.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q28.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q29.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q28.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q29.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q30.elementId, q31.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q30.userGroupId, q31.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q30.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q31.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q30.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q31.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q32.elementId, q33.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q32.userGroupId, q33.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q32.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q33.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q32.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q33.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q34.elementId, q35.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q34.userGroupId, q35.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q34.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q35.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q34.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q35.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select coalesce(q36.elementId, q37.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q36.userGroupId, q37.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q36.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q37.grantFlags, 0)) as grantFlags,
(coalesce(q36.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q37.denyflags, 0)) as denyflags from
(select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as
denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10968327)  as q36
full outer join
(select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as
denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10957179) as q37
on (q36.elementId=q37.elementId))  as q34
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10957178)
as q35
on (q34.elementId=q35.elementId))  as q32
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10755693)
as q33
on (q32.elementId=q33.elementId))  as q30
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 0 as
grantFlags, 3 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=1811129) as
on (q30.elementId=q31.elementId))  as q28
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 0 as
grantFlags, 3 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=1806563) as
on (q28.elementId=q29.elementId))  as q26
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10957153)
as q27
on (q26.elementId=q27.elementId))  as q24
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10966144)
as q25
on (q24.elementId=q25.elementId))  as q22
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10755694)
as q23
on (q22.elementId=q23.elementId))  as q20
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10979064)
as q21
on (q20.elementId=q21.elementId))  as q18
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10755757)
as q19
on (q18.elementId=q19.elementId))  as q16
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=5865082) as
on (q16.elementId=q17.elementId))  as q14
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 1 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10758145)
as q15
on (q14.elementId=q15.elementId))  as q12
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=1718259) as
on (q12.elementId=q13.elementId))  as q10
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10755709)
as q11
on (q10.elementId=q11.elementId))  as q8
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=1718266) as
on (q8.elementId=q9.elementId))  as q6
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=1718273) as
on (q6.elementId=q7.elementId))  as q4
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10965166)
as q5
on (q4.elementId=q5.elementId))  as q2
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 1 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10979069)
as q3
on (q2.elementId=q3.elementId))  as q0
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=759234) as
on (q0.elementId=q1.elementId)

Memory map info:

2011-10-17 23:38:37 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index "simple_group_pkey" for table "simple_group"

2011-10-17 23:38:38 NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create
implicit index "temp_usergroup_acl_entry_pkey" for table

TopMemoryContext: 204824 total in 9 blocks; 17664 free (79 chunks); 187160 used

unnamed prepared statement: 1237311488 total in 160 blocks; 8936 free
(2 chunks); 1237302552 used

Local Buffer Lookup Table: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1776 free (0
chunks); 6416 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 592 free (0 chunks); 2480 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1024 free (0 chunks); 2048 used

Type information cache: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1800 free (0 chunks); 6392 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1024 free (0 chunks); 2048 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 960 free (0 chunks); 2112 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 872 free (0 chunks); 2200 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 1136 free (0 chunks); 1936 used

SPI Plan: 3072 total in 2 blocks; 864 free (0 chunks); 2208 used

RI query cache: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 14136 free (5 chunks); 10440 used

TopTransactionContext: 24576 total in 2 blocks; 14360 free (1 chunks);
10216 used

AfterTriggerEvents: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 8176 free (3 chunks); 16 used

S_2: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 752 free (0 chunks); 272 used

Operator class cache: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 4872 free (0 chunks); 3320 used

S_1: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 752 free (0 chunks); 272 used

Prepared Queries: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1800 free (0 chunks); 6392 used

Record information cache: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1800 free (0
chunks); 6392 used

MessageContext: 24600 total in 2 blocks; 8176 free (2 chunks); 16424 used

smgr relation table: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1776 free (0 chunks); 6416 used

TransactionAbortContext: 32768 total in 1 blocks; 32752 free (0 chunks); 16 used

Portal hash: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 3912 free (0 chunks); 4280 used

PortalMemory: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 8176 free (1 chunks); 16 used

Relcache by OID: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 2856 free (0 chunks); 5336 used

CacheMemoryContext: 659000 total in 19 blocks; 91008 free (2 chunks);
567992 used

temp_usergroup_acl_entry_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

simple_group_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0 chunks); 696 used

pg_constraint_contypid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0
chunks); 672 used

pg_constraint_conrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0
chunks); 672 used

pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_constraint_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_shdepend_depender_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0
chunks); 808 used

pg_depend_depender_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0 chunks); 808 used

pg_depend_reference_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0 chunks); 808 used

pg_shdepend_reference_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

ar_rule_field_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

ar_rule_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

usergroup_arrule_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0 chunks); 736 used

ar_ruletextfield_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

allusersgroup_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

vsusergroup_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

vsusergroup_name_key: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

ar_ruletemplate_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

ar_ruleconditionfield_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0
chunks); 632 used

ar_rule_field_edit_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

ar_rule_edit_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

usergroupedit_arruleedit_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

vsusergroupedit_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

access_rights_sortorder_key: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0
chunks); 632 used

access_rights_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

access_rights_name_key: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

bounded_groups_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

groups_pkey: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

groups_name_key: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

pg_index_indrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_type_typname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0 chunks); 736 used

pg_type_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_trigger_tgrelid_tgname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_statistic_relid_att_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_auth_members_member_role_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

pg_auth_members_role_member_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

pg_proc_proname_args_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 256 free (0
chunks); 768 used

pg_proc_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 152 free (0
chunks); 872 used

pg_operator_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_opclass_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0
chunks); 808 used

pg_namespace_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_namespace_nspname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0
chunks); 672 used

pg_language_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

pg_language_name_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

pg_inherits_relid_seqno_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

pg_index_indexrelid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_authid_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_authid_rolname_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_database_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_conversion_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

pg_conversion_name_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 328 free (0
chunks); 696 used

pg_conversion_default_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 192 free (0
chunks); 832 used

pg_class_relname_nsp_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_class_oid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 352 free (0 chunks); 672 used

pg_cast_source_target_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0
chunks); 736 used

pg_amproc_opc_proc_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0 chunks); 808 used

pg_amop_opr_opc_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 288 free (0 chunks); 736 used

pg_amop_opc_strat_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 216 free (0 chunks); 808 used

pg_aggregate_fnoid_index: 1024 total in 1 blocks; 392 free (0 chunks); 632 used

MdSmgr: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 6832 free (0 chunks); 1360 used

LOCALLOCK hash: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 1856 free (0 chunks); 6336 used

Timezones: 49432 total in 2 blocks; 5968 free (0 chunks); 43464 used

ErrorContext: 8192 total in 1 blocks; 8176 free (3 chunks); 16 used

2011-10-17 23:38:54 ERROR:  out of memory

2011-10-17 23:38:54 DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 28.

2011-10-17 23:38:54 STATEMENT:  insert into
select coalesce(q0.elementId, q1.elementId) as elementId,
coalesce(q0.userGroupId, q1.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q0.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q1.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q0.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q1.denyflags, 0)) as
denyflags from (select coalesce(q2.elementId, q3.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q2.userGroupId, q3.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q2.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q3.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q2.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q3.denyflags, 0)) as
denyflags from (select coalesce(q4.elementId, q5.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q4.userGroupId, q5.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q4.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q5.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q4.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q5.denyflags, 0)) as
denyflags from (select coalesce(q6.elementId, q7.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q6.userGroupId, q7.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q6.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q7.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q6.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q7.denyflags, 0)) as
denyflags from (select coalesce(q8.elementId, q9.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q8.userGroupId, q9.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q8.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q9.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q8.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q9.denyflags, 0)) as
denyflags from (select coalesce(q10.elementId, q11.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q10.userGroupId, q11.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q10.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q11.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q10.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q11.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q12.elementId, q13.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q12.userGroupId, q13.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q12.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q13.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q12.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q13.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q14.elementId, q15.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q14.userGroupId, q15.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q14.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q15.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q14.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q15.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q16.elementId, q17.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q16.userGroupId, q17.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q16.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q17.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q16.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q17.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q18.elementId, q19.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q18.userGroupId, q19.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q18.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q19.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q18.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q19.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q20.elementId, q21.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q20.userGroupId, q21.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q20.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q21.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q20.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q21.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q22.elementId, q23.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q22.userGroupId, q23.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q22.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q23.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q22.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q23.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q24.elementId, q25.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q24.userGroupId, q25.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q24.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q25.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q24.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q25.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q26.elementId, q27.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q26.userGroupId, q27.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q26.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q27.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q26.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q27.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q28.elementId, q29.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q28.userGroupId, q29.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q28.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q29.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q28.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q29.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q30.elementId, q31.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q30.userGroupId, q31.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q30.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q31.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q30.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q31.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q32.elementId, q33.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q32.userGroupId, q33.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q32.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q33.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q32.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q33.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q34.elementId, q35.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q34.userGroupId, q35.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q34.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q35.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q34.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q35.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select coalesce(q36.elementId, q37.elementId) as
elementId, coalesce(q36.userGroupId, q37.userGroupId) as userGroupId,
(coalesce(q36.grantFlags, 0) | coalesce(q37.grantFlags, 0)) as
grantFlags, (coalesce(q36.denyflags, 0) | coalesce(q37.denyflags, 0))
as denyflags from (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10968327)
as q36 full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3
as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where
groupId=10957179) as q37 on (q36.elementId=q37.elementId))  as q34
full outer join (select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as
grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10957178)
as q35 on (q34.elementId=q35.elementId))  as q32 full outer join
(select elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as
denyflags from simple_group where groupId=10755693) as q33 on
(q32.elementId=q33.elementId))  as q30 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 0 as grantFlags, 3 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=1811129) as q31 on
(q30.elementId=q31.elementId))  as q28 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 0 as grantFlags, 3 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=1806563) as q29 on
(q28.elementId=q29.elementId))  as q26 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10957153) as q27 on
(q26.elementId=q27.elementId))  as q24 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10966144) as q25 on
(q24.elementId=q25.elementId))  as q22 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10755694) as q23 on
(q22.elementId=q23.elementId))  as q20 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10979064) as q21 on
(q20.elementId=q21.elementId))  as q18 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10755757) as q19 on
(q18.elementId=q19.elementId))  as q16 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=5865082) as q17 on
(q16.elementId=q17.elementId))  as q14 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 1 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10758145) as q15 on
(q14.elementId=q15.elementId))  as q12 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=1718259) as q13 on
(q12.elementId=q13.elementId))  as q10 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=10755709) as q11 on
(q10.elementId=q11.elementId))  as q8 full outer join (select
elementId, 10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags
from simple_group where groupId=1718266) as q9 on
(q8.elementId=q9.elementId))  as q6 full outer join (select elementId,
10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from
simple_group where groupId=1718273) as q7 on
(q6.elementId=q7.elementId))  as q4 full outer join (select elementId,
10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from
simple_group where groupId=10965166) as q5 on
(q4.elementId=q5.elementId))  as q2 full outer join (select elementId,
10979837 as userGroupId, 1 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from
simple_group where groupId=10979069) as q3 on
(q2.elementId=q3.elementId))  as q0 full outer join (select elementId,
10979837 as userGroupId, 3 as grantFlags, 0 as denyflags from
simple_group where groupId=759234) as q1 on

2011-10-17 23:39:03 ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands
ignored until end of transaction block

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