On 14 Oct 2011, at 11:14, Alexander Farber wrote:

> I've added 3 new indices on both tables:
> quincy=> \d quincynoreset
>               Table "public.quincynoreset"
>   Column    |            Type             |   Modifiers
> -------------+-----------------------------+---------------
> appsversion | character varying(30)       |
> beta_prog   | character varying(20)       |
> category    | character varying(120)      |
> catinfo     | character varying(120)      |
> details     | character varying(50)       |
> devinfo     | character varying(4000)     |
> emailid     | character varying(16)       |
> email       | character varying(320)      |
> formfactor  | character varying(10)       |
> id          | character varying(20)       | not null
> imei        | character varying(25)       |
> name        | character varying(20)       |
> osversion   | character varying(30)       |
> pin         | character varying(12)       |
> qdatetime   | timestamp without time zone |
> copied      | timestamp without time zone | default now()
> Indexes:
>    "quincynoreset_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>    "quincynoreset_appsversion_index" btree (appsversion)
>    "quincynoreset_osversion_index" btree (osversion)
>    "quincynoreset_qdatetime_index" btree (qdatetime)


> quincy=> explain select to_char(qdatetime, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as
> from quincyview where qdatetime <= now() order by QDATETIME desc
> offset 10 limit 10;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------
> Limit  (cost=558551.88..558551.91 rows=10 width=1172)
>   ->  Sort  (cost=558551.86..560883.79 rows=932773 width=1172)
>         Sort Key: quincyview.qdatetime
>         ->  Subquery Scan quincyview  (cost=482428.59..533731.10
> rows=932773 width=1172)
>               ->  Unique  (cost=482428.59..522071.44 rows=932773 width=252)
>                     ->  Sort  (cost=482428.59..484760.52 rows=932773 
> width=252)
>                           Sort Key: quincynoreset.qdatetime,
> quincynoreset.id, quincynoreset.name, quincynoreset.cate
> gory, quincynoreset.appsversion, quincynoreset.osversion,
> quincynoreset.beta_prog, quincynoreset.catinfo, quincynorese
> t.details, quincynoreset.devinfo, quincynoreset.email,
> quincynoreset.emailid, quincynoreset.imei, quincynoreset.pin, q
> uincynoreset.formfactor, quincynoreset.copied
>                           ->  Append  (cost=0.00..55177.71
> rows=932773 width=252)
>                                 ->  Seq Scan on quincynoreset
> (cost=0.00..39171.89 rows=807446 width=242)
>                                       Filter: (qdatetime <= now())
>                                 ->  Seq Scan on quincytrack
> (cost=0.00..6678.09 rows=125327 width=315)
>                                       Filter: (qdatetime <= now())
> (12 rows)

An explain analyse would have been a bit more informative.

Anyway, I think you get the sequential scans because the UNION requires to sort 
all the data from both tables to guarantee that the results are unique (hence 
that long Sort Key at the 7th line of explain output).
For that reason, an index on qdatetime alone won't help much, especially when 
most of your data has qdatetime <= now(), which is probably the case.

It doesn't matter that you only want 10 results from that set, the database 
will first have to figure out which those rows are. That gets more complicated 
because they can come from two different tables, due to the UNION.

Do you really need unique results from that view, or are duplicates acceptable 
(one from each table)? In that case, try UNION ALL instead of UNION.

If you do need unique results, then you could create an index on the 
combination of all those fields. That should take out the need for those 
sequential scans.

Alban Hertroys

The scale of a problem often equals the size of an ego.

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