On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:12 PM, Vishnu S. <vishn...@nestgroup.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> The tablespace is created using CREATE TABLESPACE query.

Is it a local drive?  USB or eSATA maybe?

> Also Slony-I replication is working on the tablespace for Master - slave 
> implementation.

should work.  I've done it before with no problems.

> The machine has logged off 5-6 times without stopping the server.

Do you mean that it's logged off the local user who was logged in?

> Is there any problem on it. If yes why this is happening?
> I have an application that deletes data from the tables that are in the 
> tablespace.
> The Query used for deletion is DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <condition>.
> Also the tablespace contains about 7-8 GB data. Is there any problem in it.
> Is there any size limit for tablespace in PostgreSQL.(Documentation says no).

7 to 8 gig is small by pg standards.

> The problem was occurred twice. In first situation all the files in the 
> tablespace are get deleted.
> In second condition some folders in  \16384 was present. But the files 
> including the PG_VERSION are get deleted.

Well something is deleting the files, and it's not likely postgres.

> No anti virus application is installed on the system.(Both in master and 
> slave)
> Is there any possibility that Slony-I will delete the tablespace files?

Nope.  Any odd power outages or disconnected drives?  chkdsk finding
problems on bootup etc?

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