On 10/13/2011 05:20 AM, Ivan Voras wrote:

I have a table with a large number of records (millions), on which the
following should be performed:

        1. Retrieve a set of records by a SELECT query with a WHERE condition
        2. Process these in the application
        3. Delete them from the table

Without knowing a bit more, it is difficult to say. A couple questions:

1. Are there conflicting processes - i.e. could multiple applications be in contention to process the same set of records?

2. Is the processing "all or none" or could individual records fail? If so, how do you deal with reprocessing or returning those to the main table.

Depending on the nature of your app, it might be feasible to reorder the actions to move the records to be processed into a "processing" table and delete them from that table as the records are processed by the application.

You could move the records into the processing table with:

with foo as (delete from main_table where your_where_clause returning a,b,c) insert into processing_table (a,b,c) select a,b,c from foo;

In this case I would not recommend temporary or unlogged tables for the processing table as that becomes the only source of the data once deleted from the master table.


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