*** Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Tuesday, 02.January.2001, 18:38 -0500]:
> To enlarge a little more: the most common way to get burnt by this is
> to have different LC_xxx environment variables when starting the
> postmaster from a boot script as you do when running initdb or starting
> the postmaster from an interactive shell. Best to explicitly set the
> desired locale in the script that fires up the postmaster.
> Postgres 7.1 solves this problem by locking down a database's locale at
> initdb time. Subsequent postmaster runs will adopt the LC_COLLATE value
> that was prevalent when initdb ran, no matter what their environment is.
Could You write what is suggested path to change encoding from SQLASCII to
another (ISO88592) when I'd upgrade to 7.1 from 7.03 ?
I know have SQLASCII, but I'll need to change it to sth more suitable.