On 3 Oct 2011, at 18:12, Boszormenyi Zoltan wrote:

> Hi,
> here is the testcase:
> create type mytype as (id integer, t varchar(255));
> create table mytest (id serial, t1 varchar(255), t2 varchar(255));
> create or replace function myfunc () returns setof mytype as $$
> begin
>  return query select id, (t1 || t2)::varchar from mytest;
> end;$$ language plpgsql;
> Now the problem is:
> select * from myfunc();
> ERROR:  structure of query does not match function result type
> DETAIL:  Returned type text does not match expected type character 
> varying(255) in column 2.
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "myfunc" line 2 at RETURN QUERY

Yes, of course. It's safe to cast a varchar(255) to a varchar, but the other 
way around it could get truncated.

> But the types are said to be the same:
> create cast (varchar as varchar(255)) without function;
> ERROR:  source data type and target data type are the same

They are the same type, but one version has a length constraint and the other 
does not.

The above is not a safe cast without specifying what to do with varchars that 
contain more than 255 chars. But... you're also specifying the cast without 

> create cast (varchar as varchar(255)) with inout;
> ERROR:  source data type and target data type are the same

If I understand the meaning of inout type casts correctly, this also doesn't 
create a safe type-cast. It doesn't prevent accidental truncating.

If that's why the errors occur, they're at least a bit misleading. I can't say 
I have been creating casts so far, so I'm guessing a bit here.

If you create a cast WITH function, does that work?

Alban Hertroys

Screwing up is an excellent way to attach something to the ceiling.

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