Dave Page wrote on 03.10.2011 10:11:
Karl; can you please provide precise details of your Windows version,
and anything unusual about your disk configuration? I know this
doesn't happen on any of the installations of Windows 7 that we use
for testing (which tend to be the MSDN builds, running on local NTFS
disks), so I wonder if there's an icacls bug in a specific build or
rev of Windows, or when used on a certain type of filesystem.

I have reported this as well some weeks ago.
For me this happened on a Windows7 64 bit system that is part of a domain (all 
current MS patches applied)
UAC is turned off, I was logged in as a local administrator (*not* a domain 

I have a ProcessMonitor trace that shows the behaviour of what icacls is doing 
when started by the installer.
It is available here: http://www.sql-workbench.net/icacls_trace.zip


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