At 19:14 4/01/01 -0600, Matthew wrote:
>I posted a note to the hackers list about this very issue last week.  It was
>never responded to.  I am prepared to do the work and submit a patch, but I
>wanted some input on how best to do it.  We had a problem with a backup
>script silently failing when the disk was full.  I guess I will get started
>on it and will get feedback on the patch when it's submitted.

7.0.2 and CVS seem to set $? for least when I try to dump a
nonexistant DB, dump to a nonexistant location or dump to an area I have no
privs for. Also, the code looks like it does an exit(1) whenever there is
an error. Is there a Unix/C/shell interaction that's not working for you?

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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