Hi, everyone.  Uwe wrote:

What kind of "client" are the users using?  I assume you will have some kind
of user interface. For me this is a typical job for a user interface. The
number of letters with "equivalents" in different languages are extremely
limited, so a simple matching routine in the user interface should give you a
way to issue the proper query.

The user interface will be via a Web application. But we need to store the data with the European characters, such as ñ, so that we can display them appropriately. So much as I like your suggestion, we need to do the opposite of what you're saying -- namely, take a bare letter, and then search for letters with accents and such on them.

I am beginning to think that storing two versions of each name, one bare and the other not, might be the easiest way to go. But hey, I'm open to more suggestions.


Reuven M. Lerner -- Web development, consulting, and training
Mobile: +972-54-496-8405 * US phone: 847-230-9795
Skype/AIM: reuvenlerner

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