On 09/30/11 1:13 AM, J.V. wrote:
thanks for the help, we have a production schema with 80 tables and a few of the tables have consumed the max limit for the id field, so I have to write a program (stored functions would be the fastest way to do this), that will go and drop the sequence, create & start at 1 again, and re-sequence every table and then make sure all the foreign keys in every table point to where they are supposed to.

you shouldn't have to drop the sequence, just setval('sequencename',max(idfield)+1); after resequencing the ID's with a generate_series... ...

or, convert the fields to bigint which are 64 bit and not likely to wrap around any time in this century.... (sequences already use bigint)

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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