2011/9/27 Diego Augusto Molina <diegoaugustomol...@gmail.com>:
>                /* Created by Diego Augusto Molina in 2011 for Tucuman 
> Government,
> Argentina. */

OK, few random comments:
*) when posting schema definitions, particularly in email format, try
not to use dumped definitions from pg_dump or pgadmin. This creates a
lot of noise in the script that detracts from what you are trying to
do.   Also an attached file would probably have been more appropriate.

*) using smallint key for client_inet is really dubious.  why not just
use the inet itself?

*) what is the audet table for?  Are you truly storing a record for
every field of every audited table?  This will be incredibly
efficient, especially for large, wide tables.

*) surely, creating a table called 'table' is not a good idea.

*) this approach obviously is a lot more complicated than hstore.
however, for 8.4 and down, hstore won't work. but, what about just
storing the record as text?

*) I can't quite follow the perl criteron steps -- what is happening
there?  What are the loops doing?


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