/* Created by Diego Augusto Molina in 2011 for Tucuman Government, Argentina. */
/* -- Execute the following accordingly to your needs. CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRUSTED PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE 'plperl'; */ CREATE ROLE auditor NOSUPERUSER NOINHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE; CREATE ROLE audit LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'test.1234' NOSUPERUSER NOINHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE; CREATE SCHEMA audit AUTHORIZATION audit; ALTER ROLE auditor SET search_path=audit; ALTER ROLE audit SET search_path=audit; SET search_path=audit; SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION audit; CREATE SEQUENCE seq_audit INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE -9223372036854775808 MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 START 0 CACHE 1 CYCLE; ALTER TABLE seq_audit OWNER TO audit; CREATE SEQUENCE seq_elems INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE -32768 MAXVALUE 32767 START 0 CACHE 1 CYCLE; ALTER TABLE seq_elems OWNER TO audit; CREATE TABLE field ( id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_elems'::regclass), value name NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT field_pk PRIMARY KEY (id) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100), CONSTRAINT field_uq_value UNIQUE (value) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE field OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE field TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE field TO auditor; CREATE TABLE client_inet ( id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_elems'::regclass), value inet NOT NULL DEFAULT inet_client_addr(), CONSTRAINT dir_inet_pk PRIMARY KEY (id ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100), CONSTRAINT dir_inet_uq_value UNIQUE (value) WITH (FILLFACTOR=95) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE client_inet OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE client_inet TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE client_inet TO auditor; CREATE TABLE schema ( id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_elems'::regclass), value name NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT schema_pk PRIMARY KEY (id ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100), CONSTRAINT schema_uq_value UNIQUE (value ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE schema OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE schema TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE schema TO auditor; CREATE TABLE table ( id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_elems'::regclass), value name NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT table_pk PRIMARY KEY (id ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100), CONSTRAINT table_uq_value UNIQUE (value ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE table OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE table TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE table TO auditor; CREATE TABLE user ( id smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('seq_elems'::regclass), value name NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"(), CONSTRAINT user_pk PRIMARY KEY (id ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=100), CONSTRAINT user_uq_value UNIQUE (value ) WITH (FILLFACTOR=95) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE user OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE user TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE user TO auditor; CREATE TABLE audit ( id bigint, type character(1), tstmp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(), schema smallint, table smallint, user smallint, client_inet smallint, client_port integer DEFAULT inet_client_port(), pid integer DEFAULT pg_backend_pid() ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE audit OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE audit TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE audit TO auditor; CREATE TABLE audet ( id bigint, field smallint, is_pk boolean, before text, after text ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE audet OWNER TO audit; GRANT ALL ON TABLE audet TO audit; GRANT SELECT ON TABLE audet TO auditor; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tgf_ins_audet() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ begin execute E'insert into audet_' || tg_argv[0] || E' ( id, field, is_pk, before, after ) values ( '||coalesce(new.id::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.field::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.is_pk::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(quote_literal(new.before),'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(quote_literal(new.after),'NULL')||E' )'; return null; end;$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION tgf_ins_audet() SET search_path=auditoria; ALTER FUNCTION tgf_ins_audet() OWNER TO audit; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION tgf_ins_audet() TO audit; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tgf_ins_audit() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ begin execute E'insert into audit_' || tg_argv[0] || E' ( id, type, tstmp, schema, table, user, client_inet, client_port, pid ) values ( '||coalesce(new.id::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(quote_literal(new.type),'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(quote_literal(new.tstmp),'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.schema::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.table::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.user::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.client_inet::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.client_port::text,'NULL')||E', '||coalesce(new.pid::text,'NULL')||E' )'; return null; end;$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE; ALTER FUNCTION tgf_ins_audit() SET search_path=auditoria; ALTER FUNCTION tgf_ins_audit() OWNER TO audit; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION tgf_ins_audit() TO audit; CREATE TRIGGER tg_audit_20110518 BEFORE INSERT ON audit FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tgf_ins_audit(20110518); CREATE TRIGGER tg_audet_20110907 BEFORE INSERT ON audet FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tgf_ins_audet(20110907); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rotate(character) RETURNS void AS $BODY$ /* Created by Diego Augusto Molina in 2011 for Tucuman Government, Argentina. */ declare first_execution boolean := false; cur_start char(8) := null; cur_tstmp_min timestamp with time zone; cur_tstmp_max timestamp with time zone; cur_id_min bigint; cur_id_max bigint; new_start char(8); begin /* Determine the creation tstmp of the tables ========================================================================= */ select substring(max(c.relname::text) from $1 || E'_(........)') into cur_start from pg_namespace n inner join pg_class c on (n.oid = c.relnamespace) where n.nspname = 'audit'::name and c.relname::text like $1 || '_%'; if cur_start is null then first_execution := true; cur_start := ''; end if; new_start := cast(to_char(current_timestamp,'YYYYMMDD') as name); case $1 when 'audit' then /* if I'm rotating the table audit ================================================================== */ /* current table */ if not first_execution then execute 'select min(tstmp), max(tstmp) from audit_' || cur_start into cur_tstmp_min, cur_tstmp_max; execute $$ alter index idx_audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$_id set (fillfactor = 100); alter index idx_audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$_tstmp set (fillfactor = 100); alter index idx_audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$_schema__table set (fillfactor = 100); alter index idx_audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$_user set (fillfactor = 100); cluster audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$; analyze audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$; alter table audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$ add constraint audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$_ck_exclusion check ( tstmp >= '$$|| cur_tstmp_min ||$$' and tstmp <= '$$|| cur_tstmp_max ||$$' ) $$; end if; execute $$ /* new table */ create table audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ () inherits (audit); create index idx_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$_id on audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (id) with (fillfactor = 99); create index idx_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$_tstmp on audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (tstmp) with (fillfactor = 99); create index idx_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$_schema__tabla on audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (schema, table) with (fillfactor = 95); create index idx_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$_user on audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (usuario) with (fillfactor = 95); cluster audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ using idx_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$_tstmp; /* Parent table */ drop trigger if exists tg_audit_$$|| cur_start ||$$ on audit; create trigger tg_audit_$$|| new_start ||$$ before insert on audit for each row execute procedure tgf_ins_audit('$$|| new_start ||$$'); $$; when 'audet' then /* if I'm rotating the table audet ================================================================== */ /* current table */ if not first_execution then execute 'select min(id), max(id) from audet_' || cur_start into cur_id_min, cur_id_max; execute $$ alter index idx_audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$_id set (fillfactor = 100); alter index idx_audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$_fieldpk set (fillfactor = 100); cluster audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$; analyze audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$; alter table audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$ add constraint audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$_ck_exclusion check ( id >= '$$|| cur_id_min ||$$' and id <= '$$|| cur_id_max ||$$' ); /* Parent table */ drop trigger tg_audet_$$|| cur_start ||$$ on audet; $$; end if; execute $$ /* new table */ create table audet_$$|| new_start ||$$ () inherits (audet); create index idx_audet_$$|| new_start ||$$_id on audet_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (id) with (fillfactor = 99); create index idx_audet_$$|| new_start ||$$_fieldpk on audet_$$|| new_start ||$$ using btree (field) with (fillfactor = 99) where es_pk; cluster audet_$$|| new_start ||$$ using idx_audet_$$|| new_start ||$$_id; /* Parent table */ create trigger tg_audet_$$|| new_start ||$$ before insert on audet for each row execute procedure tgf_ins_audet('$$|| new_start ||$$'); $$; else /* if I got a wrong argument ===================================================================================== */ raise notice E'Error: expected \'audit\' o \'audet\'. Got \'%\'.', $1; return; end case; end;$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER FUNCTION rotate(character) SET search_path=auditoria; ALTER FUNCTION rotate(character) OWNER TO audit; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION rotate(character) TO audit; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ ## Created by Diego Augusto Molina in 2011 for Tucuman Government, Argentina. ## This is the trigger which should be called by any table we want to audit. If it receives ## arguments, they will be interpreted as the primary key of the table. If any of the ## arguments is not a column of the table, or no arguments is received at all, a probing process ## is taken which ends up determining the pk of the table. Thus, it is better to create the trigger ## calling this function with no arguments. See the TODO list. ## Usage: ## CREATE TRIGGER <tg_name> AFTER {INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE} [ OR ...] ON <table_name> ## FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit.audit( { <column_list> | <nothing_at_all> } ); ## KNOWN ISSUE #1: you don't want to use this trigger on a table which has a column of some type ## that doesn't have an implicit cast to string. That would cause a runtime error ## killing your transaction! See TODO #2. Be easy, most 'common' types have an ## implicit cast to string by default. ## TODO #1: In 'P3', instead of asking '( scalar keys %pk == 0 )' each time, put an 'else'. ## TODO #1.1: if the pk was not passed as argument, at the end of the probing execute an 'alter ## trigger' so that next time there's no probing at all. This would be unfriendly with ## modifications in the table definition, which should carry an update in the trigger ## (putting no arguments at all would imply probing again for the first time and then we ## just use it!). ## TODO #2: search for a way to save the binary contents of the columns instead of the formatted ## content. The table 'field' would have an extra column of type 'type' and that would ## help describing the field audited. That would solve the problem with strange fields ## (assuming that _any_ value can be converted to it's binary/internal representation). ## This may carry some extra complexity, maybe needing extra tables holding information ## about types. ## TODO #3: make this function receive only two parameters: two arrays of type name[], the first ## holding the set of columns which are the primary key, the second one is the set of ## columns which in addition to the pk one's are to be registered. Note that pk columns ## will always be registered because that will identify the tuple modified. ## TODO #4: support for TRUNCATE event. # P0. Declarations and general definitions ################################################### ############################################################################################## my $elog_pref = "(schm:$_TD->{table_schema};tab:$_TD->{table_name};trg:$_TD->{name};evt:$_TD->{event}):"; my $rv = ""; # Query execution my $val = ""; # Iterating value my %tables = ( # Value of the respective tables inserted in "audit" "user" => 'pg_catalog."session_user"()', "table" => "'$_TD->{table_name}'", "schema" => "'$_TD->{table_schema}'", "client_inet" => "pg_catalog.inet_client_addr()" ); my $id = ""; # Id of the tuple inserted in "audit" my $field = ""; # Field id my $is_pk = 0; # Determines if a field is part of the PK my $before = ""; # Value of a field in OLD my $after = ""; # Value of a field in NEW my %cols = (); # Columns of the table my %pk = (); # Primary key # Copy columns from some available transitional variable ------------------------------------- if (exists $_TD->{new}){ %cols = %{$_TD->{new}}; } else { %cols = %{$_TD->{old}}; } # P1. Create necessary tuples in user, table, schema and client_inet ######################### ############################################################################################## foreach $val (keys %tables){ $rv = spi_exec_query("select id from $val where value = $tables{$val}"); if ( $rv->{status} != SPI_OK_SELECT ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error querying table '$val'."); } if ( $rv->{processed} == 1 ){ $tables{$val} = $rv->{rows}[0]->{id}; } else { $rv = spi_exec_query("insert into $val (value) values ($tables{$val}) returning id"); if ( $rv->{status} != SPI_OK_INSERT_RETURNING ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error inserting in table '$val'."); } $tables{$val} = $rv->{rows}[0]->{id}; } } # P2. Insert in audit ######################################################################## ############################################################################################## $rv = spi_exec_query("select nextval('seq_audit'::regclass) as id"); if ( $rv->{status} != SPI_OK_SELECT ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error querying next value of sequence 'seq_audit'."); } $id = $rv->{rows}[0]->{id}; $rv = spi_exec_query("insert into audit (id, type, schema, table, user, client_inet) values ( $id, substring('$_TD->{event}', 1, 1), $tables{'schema'}, $tables{'table'}, $tables{'user'}, $tables{'client_inet'} ) "); if ($rv->{status} != SPI_OK_INSERT){ elog(ERROR,"$elog_pref Error inserting tuple in table 'audit'."); } # P3. Determine PK of the table ############################################################## ############################################################################################## if ( scalar keys %pk == 0){ # Criterion 1: if got params, each of them is a column of the table, and all of them make # up the pk of the table ------------------------------------------------------------------- elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Searching pk in the trigger's params."); if ($_TD->{argc} > 0){ ARGS: foreach $val ( @{$_TD->{args}} ){ if (exists $cols{$val}){ $pk{$val} = "-"; } else { %pk = (); elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref The column '$val' given as argument does not exist. Skipping to next criterion."); last ARGS; } } } } if ( scalar keys %pk == 0 ) { # Criterion 2: search the pk in the system catalogs --------------------------------------- elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Searching pk in system catalogs."); $rv = spi_exec_query(" select a.attname from ( select cl.oid, unnest(c.conkey) as att from pg_catalog.pg_constraint c inner join pg_catalog.pg_class cl on (c.conrelid = cl.oid) where c.contype = 'p' and cl.oid = $_TD->{relid} ) as c inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (c.att = a.attnum and c.oid = a.attrelid) "); if ( $rv->{status} == SPI_OK_SELECT ){ if ( $rv->{processed} > 0 ){ foreach $val ($rv->{rows}){ $pk{$val->{attname}} = "-"; } } } else { elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Error querying the system catalogs. Skipping to next criterion."); } } if ( scalar keys %pk == 0) { # Criterion 3: if the table has OIDs, use that as pk and emit a warning ------------------- elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Searching OIDs in the table."); $rv = spi_exec_query("select * from pg_catalog.pg_class where oid = $_TD->{relid} and relhasoids = true"); if( $rv->{status} == SPI_OK_SELECT ){ if ( $rv->{processed} > 0 ){ %pk = ("oid","-"); elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Using OIDs as table pk for '$_TD->{table_name}' because no previous criterion could find one."); } } else { elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Error querying the system catalogs. Skipping to next criterion."); } } if ( scalar keys %pk == 0){ # Default criterion: all tuples ----------------------------------------------------------- elog(DEBUG, "$elog_pref Could not find a suitable pk. Logging every column."); %pk = %cols; } # P4. Insert in audet ######################################################################## ############################################################################################## foreach $val (keys %cols){ $is_pk = 0 + exists($pk{$val}); if ( $_TD->{event} ne "UPDATE" || $is_pk || $_TD->{new}{$val} ne $_TD->{old}{$val} ){ $before = (exists $_TD->{old}) ? "'".$_TD->{old}{$val}."'" : "NULL"; $after = (exists $_TD->{new}) ? "'".$_TD->{new}{$val}."'" : "NULL"; if ( $_TD->{event} eq "UPDATE" && $_TD->{new}{$val} eq $_TD->{old}{$val}){ # We don't save the previous state of the column which is part of the pk while updating # if it hasn't changed. $before = "NULL"; } $rv = spi_exec_query("select id from field where value = '$val'"); if ( $rv->{status} != SPI_OK_SELECT ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error querying table 'field'."); } if ( $rv->{processed} > 0 ){ $field = $rv->{rows}[0]->{id}; } else { $rv = spi_exec_query("insert into field (value) values ('$val') returning id"); if ( $rv->{status} != SPI_OK_INSERT_RETURNING ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error executing insert returning in table 'field'."); } $field = $rv->{rows}[0]->{id}; } $rv = spi_exec_query("insert into audet (id, field, is_pk, before, after) values ($id, $field, cast($is_pk as boolean), cast($before as text), cast($after as text))"); if ( $rv->{status} ne SPI_OK_INSERT ){ elog(ERROR, "$elog_pref Error inserting tuples in table 'audet'."); } } } # P5. Finishing ############################################################################## ############################################################################################## return; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plperl VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; ALTER FUNCTION audit() SET search_path=auditoria; ALTER FUNCTION audit() OWNER TO audit; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION audit() TO public; -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general