On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 18:59, Andy Chambers <achamb...@mcna.net> wrote:
> ...and I want to select the data from that table, adding a "group_id"
> column, and a "record_id" column.  The "group_id" would start at 1,
> and increment by 1 every 100 rows, and the "record_id" would increment
> by 1 every row, but restart at 1 for each new group_id.

I can't see why you would want this, but regardless...

Since you didn't list a primary key for the table, I'm using "ctid" as
a substitute. But that's a PostgreSQL-specific hack, normally you
would use the real primary key instead.

update addresses set group_id=(nr/100)+1, record_id=(nr%100)+1 from
  (select ctid, row_number() over () -1 as nr from addresses) as subq
  where subq.ctid=addresses.ctid;

This isn't going to be fast for a large table as it will effectively
make 3 passes over the table, but it will get the job done.

If you want the numbers to be ordered by certain columns, you'd use
row_number() OVER (ORDER BY col1, col2)


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