
If I am retrieving row(s) into a sql descriptor in ECPG,  and my last row 
column is of type timestamp,  then I I will consistently receive a segmentation 
fault as shown below.   If I redefine the table so that the timestamp field is 
not the last field of the table row, the routine runs successfully.
This seems like a bug to me that I will work around by  not having a timestamp 
column as my last column.

I'd put it in the bug category but I am fairly new to postgres so  would like 
to see if there other thoughts on the observation.

I am using ubuntu 10.04 with Postgres V 9.03.



Here is the relavant logic in my ecpg file:

   EXEC SQL AT :cid PREPARE ps_registersipusr FROM
        "SELECT * FROM RegisterSipUser(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

 sqlda_t* sqlda = NULL;

97   EXEC SQL AT :cid DECLARE cur_regsip CURSOR FOR ps_registersipusr;
98    EXEC SQL AT :cid OPEN cur_regsip USING :portid, :callid, :contact, :uri, 
:seq, :expiration;
99    EXEC SQL AT :cid FETCH ALL FROM cur_regsip INTO DESCRIPTOR sqlda;

Here is the distilled down dump  received when the expiration/timestamp data 
type column is my last column in the row.

[21304]: ecpg_execute on line 98: using PQexecParams
[21304]: ecpg_execute on line 99: correctly got 2 tuples with 6 fields
[21304]: ecpg_set_native_sqlda on line 99 row 1 col 5 IS NOT NULL
[21304]: ecpg_set_native_sqlda on line 99 row 0 col 5 IS NOT NULL
[21304]: ecpg_get_data on line 99: RESULT: 2000-01-01 00:21:56.639667 offset: 
0; array: no
[21304]: ecpg_execute on line 99: putting result (1 tuple 6 fields) into sqlda 
*** glibc detected *** /space/dday/av/debug/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/dbm: double 
free or corruption (out):

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