Dear list,


I’ve a strange issue here. I’ve a table that I’m sure the column type is
boolean. I can see the datatype is boolean on PgAdmin.


Nevertheless, when I issue this command


alter table usuario alter column ativo type smallint using (case when ativo
then 1 else 0 end);



I get the following error:


ERROR:  argument of IS FALSE must be type boolean, not type smallint


********** Error **********


ERROR: argument of IS FALSE must be type boolean, not type smallint

SQL state: 42804



I already run Vacuum just to be sure, but still not working.


I have a script with hundred similar lines (for other tables) without any
error, just this table.


Any hints?



Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter 
SimKorp Infomática Ltda 


(51) 3366-7964 


(51) 8585-0796

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