On 23 September 2011 14:29, <haman...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Alban Hertroys wrote:
> >> So you're comparing a variable field value to a variable pattern - yeah,
> >> that's going to hurt. There's no way you could index exactly that.
> >>
> >> Perhaps there's some way you can transform the problem so that you get
> >> something indexable?
> >> For example, if your match patterns follow a certain pattern by themselves,
> >> you could add a column with the longest match pattern that would match the
> >> string. Then you could just do a query for which records have the match
> >> pattern (in that new column) that you're looking for and voila!
> >>
> >> If something like that is possible strongly depends on what kind of match
> >> patterns you're using, of course.
> Hi Alban,
> I already did that - the test set is just all records from the real table 
> (about a million
> entries) that match the common 'ABC' prefix

I think you misunderstood what I wrote. Notice the difference between
"which strings match the pattern" and "which records have the match
pattern (in that new column)" - the first is a regular expression
match (unindexable), while the second is a string equality match

What I'm suggesting is to add a column, which for the string 'ABCDEFG'
would contain 'ABC%'.
Data would look like:

SELECT str, pattern FROM tbl;
 str     | pattern

(can't format this properly in webmail, sorry)

When you look for records that match the pattern 'ABC%', you would
normally perform a query like:


But with this new column, you would query:

SELECT str FROM tbl WHERE pattern = 'ABC%';

As I said, it depends a lot on your pattern needs whether this
solution would work at all for you. If you only ever use a few
patterns, it will work. If you use many different patterns or don't
know before-hand which patterns will be used, it won't work well at

> The main difference is: the fast query looks like
> explain select items.num, wantcode from items, n where code = wantcode;
>  Merge Join  (cost=53.56..1104.02 rows=39178 width=36)
>   Merge Cond: (("outer".code)::text = "inner".wantcode)
>   ->  Index Scan using itemsc on items  (cost=0.00..438.75 rows=9614 width=42)
>   ->  Sort  (cost=53.56..55.60 rows=815 width=32)
>         Sort Key: n.wantcode
>         ->  Seq Scan on n  (cost=0.00..14.15 rows=815 width=32)

Is there an index on wantcode? If you have a million or more records,
I would expect an index scan for a measly 815 matches...

> and the slow ones looks like that one:
>  Nested Loop  (cost=14.15..176478.01 rows=39178 width=36)
>   Join Filter: (("outer".code)::text ~ "inner".wantcode)
> So the database takes an entirely differnet approach at retrieving the 
> entries.

Yes, because you're still using ~ there, with a pattern that's unknown
at query planning time. That will only be fast under some fairly rare

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
Cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

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