On Fri, Jan 05, 2001 at 11:17:29PM +0100, Uro Gruber wrote:
> Hi!
> I have some questions about coding in php with postgre.
> Here is my code
> $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "SELECT * FROM clients ORDER BY username");
> $row = 0; // postgres needs a row counter other dbs might not
> while ($data = @pg_fetch_object ($qu, $row)) {
> echo $data->username." (";
> echo $data->password ."): ";
> echo $data->client_id."<BR>";
> $row++;
> }
> When i execute this i get 3 records (in DB is also 3 records), if i
> delete @ before pg_fetch_object i get an error:
> "Unable to jump to row 3 on PostgreSQL result index 4"
> I understand what's wrong and i know why is that @.
> What i do want to know is, if there is something wrong with this
> function or am i doing something wrong. I don't like that kind of
> errors. How can i stop before the end.

        for($i=0; $i < pg_numrows($qu); $i++) {
                $data = pg_fetch_object($qu, $row);
                echo $data->username." (";
                echo $data->password ." )";
                echo $data->client_id."<BR>>";

        You can blame the PHP people for having wildly dissimilar systems
for iterating through result sets...

> In mysql there was no need to count rows.

        Let's not start the MySQL vs. Postgres wars again...  :)

Adam Haberlach            |A cat spends her life conflicted between a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       |deep, passionate, and profound desire for
http://www.newsnipple.com |fish and an equally deep, passionate, and
'88 EX500                 |profound desire to avoid getting wet.

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