
What was your question ? The JDBC list is not dead.

Dave Cramer


2011/9/18 Jimmy K. <jimmypg...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for answer, we will try this driver, because it's more
> promising, if we will found some bugs or suggestion, You will be
> informed (I assume driver is stage that some ideas may be included
> with no problem).
> Btw, when I wanted to download driver from other station, I was saw
> Beta 1 driver (and I got 404) - after few refreshes We got Beta 2.
>> Last time we think, about creating complete and
>> modern free database system for j2ee platforms.
> Good luck! But, I think  it's unneeded. Just use apply your patches,
> and make release, next day we will test it wit no doubt. If I will
> have time, I could support this as well too, just for clear fun.
> Regards,
> Jimmy
> 2011/9/16 Radosław Smogura <rsmog...@softperience.eu>:
>> On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 10:18:46 +0200, Jimmy K. wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I asked this question on JDBC list, but it seems "dead".
>>> I found alternative JDBC driver marked as Beta 2 (actually last time
>>> bumped to Beta 2.1) http://softperience.eu/pages/cmn/ngpgjdbc.xhtml.
>>> We still test it. Those features are, mainly, in our interest
>>> - binary transfer
>>> - possibility of loading large bytea in JVM with small heap (we loaded
>>> about 1GB in JVM with 256MB)
>>> - XA
>>> But, I would like to ask, if someone of You have tested it, and / or
>>> compared. We actually looking for general opinion if it's suitable for
>>> JavaEE + JPA/Hibernate
>>> Regards,
>>> J.
>> Hello,
>> The driver I develop is mainly focused for JavaEE + JPA. We and friendly
>> company already, uses it during test and for some "less critical", but live
>> systems (in J2EE 6 environment) (during this tests we had found two
>> problems, one is fixed, and 2nd looks like comes from PostgreSQL, but it
>> will be fixed).
>> If You ask for performance there is available test of original driver with
>> some binary patches
>> (http://blogs.oracle.com/jkshah/entry/postgres_8_4_testing_with).
>> The driver started from our internal interest for making our apps stable
>> (statement timeout), and faster (binary protocol), rest of changes came from
>> propositions on forum (JDBC4 exceptions, "possibility of loading large bytea
>> in JVM with small heap", UDTs). Some of patches was sent for official
>> version, but topics "died". We have, as well, different conception, then is
>> visible in original driver - we want to remove as much processing as
>> possible from database, because app server is clusterizable, and db not.
>> If you have some ideas or if you found bug, You may contact me or submit
>> data through our web side. Last time we think, about creating complete and
>> modern free database system for j2ee platforms.
>> Best regards,
>> Radoslaw Smogura
>> http://softperience.eu
> --
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