On 09/13/2011 06:43 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
On 09/13/2011 04:01 AM, Aleksey Tsalolikhin wrote:
Congratulations on the release of 9.1.0!
Lots of great features, I for one can't wait to try out unlogged
tables, that should help a lot in our environment.
Now that you have streaming replication both async and sync, are you
working on multi-master replication? *excited* Or what's the
I would take a look at postgres-r. It is under active and supported
Joshua D. Drake
Command Prompt, Inc. - http://www.commandprompt.com/
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development
The PostgreSQL Conference - http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
@cmdpromptinc - @postgresconf - 509-416-6579
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