On Tue, 2011-09-13 at 16:39 +0200, Hannes Erven wrote:
> Reid,
> > where any one of these 3
> >
> > 1    1       2011-01-01
> > 1    1       2011-01-01
> > 1    3       2011-01-01
> >
> > or any one of these 2
> > 3    1       2011-01-05
> > 3    2       2011-01-05
> >
> > are suitable for val = 1, val = 3 respectively.
> Can you please describe in words what you are trying to accomplish? When
> I look at your data and expected output, I'd say you want this:
>    For each distinct value of "val1", return any value of "val2" and
>    the lowest value of "date".

for each distinct value of "val1', return the highest value(most recent)
of "date" and the value of "val2" associated with that date

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