On Aug 31, 2011, at 8:46 AM, edwardIshaq wrote:

> if you do:
> open   
> OS X will open the file in the plist editor.
> I tried doing that but didn't get a way with saving though :)

Probably a privileges violation, right? In a prior message on this thread I 

sudo launchctl unload -w blahblahblah.plist

I also said: "The -w option causes it to not only unload the item, but also 
write a 
<disabled> key into it which will stop it from loading at launch."

That is no longer true. Instead of the disabled key, 10.6 & up (or was it 10.5 
& up?) now keep track of enabled/disabled elsewhere, so you really need to use 
launchctl instead of editing the plist.

Scott Ribe
(303) 722-0567 voice

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