Hell l, I am trying to debug a query that gives an error. The error in the application server log is " ERROR: operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone = character varying Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. Position: 1274" How can I get the value of the $1,$2 etc in the query? WHERE MST.CMPCOD= $1 AND UPPER ( CUSINDINF.FAMNAM )= UPPER ($2) AND UPPER ( CUSINDINF.INITLS )= UPPER ($3) AND ( CUSINDINF.MEMDOB ) = ($4) AND MST.CUSNUM <> $5
It looks like the error is for the condition ( CUSINDINF.MEMDOB ) = ($4) , memdob being a date of birth (timestamp) column. When I try the query at psql with some values, the data is retrieved OK. Is there some logging available in PostgreSQL that will tell me what values were actually used? As of now, I am trying with logging level set to debug5 in postgresql.conf for all logging options. But what is the 'correct' approach? Regards, Jayadevan DISCLAIMER: "The information in this e-mail and any attachment is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly contact the sender and destroy all copies of the original communication. IBS makes no warranty, express or implied, nor guarantees the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information contained in this email or any attachment and is not liable for any errors, defects, omissions, viruses or for resultant loss or damage, if any, direct or indirect."