I'm running pgloader 2.3.2 and Postgres 9.  Is there an upgraded version
of pgloader on the PgFoundry site?

On Mon, 2011-08-15 at 20:34 +0200, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
> Tony Capobianco <tcapobia...@prospectiv.com> writes:
> > Has anyone experienced the behavior of pgloader hanging when the .conf
> > file has an incorrect filename?
> > When I execute with the correct filename, everything works just fine.
> > However, when I use an incorrect filename, I get the below:
> That's certainly due to current threading implementation in pgloader, I
> guess the control thread is still waiting for the load to terminate,
> which will never happen.
> It seems to be fixed in current version though.  See if you can upgrade.
> Regards,

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