On 08/06/11 4:40 PM, David Johnston wrote:
The bottom line is I would not expect to find any individual or company willing 
or able to offer such a service, to the general public, for free.  And it is a 
service you are requesting as opposed to a product like PostgreSQL.  A product 
is more likely to be improved by the people using it compared to a service, and 
those improvements are likely to make it back into the original.

indeed, especially a service like hosting that has significant ongoing hard costs involved... a colocated server requires power, air conditioning, network traffic and transit fees, management, physical security, and the cost of the hardware itself, which has typically a 3-5 year lifespan (in 3 years, newer hardware can do so much more work its often not cost effective to keep the old hardware online).

john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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