> > Now, if you are doing double-entry bookkeeping this doesn't provide > > enough consistency, IMO. You can't check inside the function to > > ensure that the transaction is balanced. > > One option to consider is restricting final tables but making staging > tables available.
I would implement this using triggers. First, add a boolean "is_balanced" column to the transaction table, along with the following trigger: create or replace function check_txn_balance() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ declare _amt numeric; begin if 'UPDATE' = TG_OP and new.is_balanced then return null; end if; select sum(amt) into _amt from line_item where txn_id = new.id; if _amt <> 0 then raise exception 'unbalanced transaction'; end if; update txn set is_balanced = true where id = new.id; return null; end; $$; create constraint trigger check_txn_balance after insert or update on txn deferrable initially deferred for each row execute procedure check_txn_balance(); Then, whenever we add, remove, or update a line item, unbalance the parent transaction, which triggers the balance check: create or replace function unbalance_txn() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ begin if 'UPDATE' = TG_OP then if (new.txn_id, new.amt) = (old.txn_id, old.amt) then return null; end if; end if; if TG_OP in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') then update txn set is_balanced = false where (id, is_balanced) = (new.txn_id, true); end if; if TG_OP in ('DELETE', 'UPDATE') then update txn set is_balanced = false where (id, is_balanced) = (old.txn_id, true); end if; return null; end; $$; create trigger unbalance_txn after insert or delete or update on line_item for each row execute procedure unbalance_txn(); At least, this seems to be a fairly efficient and foolproof way to do it to me. Karl Nack Futurity, Inc 5121 N Ravenswood Ave Chicago, IL 60640 773-506-2007 -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org) To make changes to your subscription: http://www.postgresql.org/mailpref/pgsql-general