On 07/07/2011 15:21, salah jubeh wrote:
> Hello,
> I do no have any experience with oracle, try to dump the oracle database in 
plain format and then try to execute the DDL and DML statements. It might be 
cumbersome to fix all the errors you might get.
> But as an initial solution give it a shot.

I have migrated mysql, oracle, ingres and SqlSvr databases to Postgres and in 
pretty much all cases
around 30% of the activity has been application specific code changes or 
replacing Oracle
or SS7 specific optimisations with pg equivalents.

An example is the insert then update order issue on a unique keyed table.

The order does make a differenet in processing time and if within a stored 
I often find the procedure has to be redone to ensure it performs as expected.
Things like this tend to be missed by automated Ora->Pg toolsets.

I have never used the commercial Oracle "portability" layers but have heard 
good things about them.
If you have no procedural code or triggers then migration is usually a few days 
application review


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